La Patilla (2015) | Resignation

We have been enduring Venezuela’s tragedy for many years. This regime, (which is now a drug-trafficking dictatorship), even before it came to power, clearly showed its future colors.

Two coups against a democracy and a populist, aggressive and resentful discourse provided the backdrop, But we let´s not look back in hindsight. For Venezuelans, as well as for any society, it´s all about the future, to get on with life.

And so we face the dilemma raised by many Venezuelans: “We´re stuck in a bad situation that will change sooner or later. What should I do individually, as an entrepreneur or a member of a political party to face the future in the least prejudicial position possible?”

I’ve heard these arguments expressed with conviction many times, It’s not fair (or possible) to analyze their undercurrents. However, it is possible to try to explain that this is a wrong position.

With each passing day, the situation worsens for Venezuelans. Education, infrastructure, health, industry, the rule of law, justice –everything, absolutely everything- in Venezuela is on the brink of destruction. Each passing day life is more difficult for the Venezuelan people, but not for the military involved in drug trafficking.

Education, an essential element for the development of nations has been systematically destroyed and its reconstruction cannot be measured now but in terms of generations. And so it is with almost everything else in the country.

I find it impossible to understand the attitude of resignation. The more time passes, the situation of the country will worsen, its people will suffer from the deterioration of education, health, competitiveness and infrastructure.

Venezuela is controlled by corrupt and irresponsible military drug traffickers who are destroying it to get rich and stay in power. They are no different from many of the regimes that have existed and will continue to exist in the world and who have destroyed the decent citizens of their country.

Resignation is a delusional form of hope.

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