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Oscar García Mendoza Joins the Atlas Network Advisory Council

CEDICE Libertad announced that its Vice President, Oscar García Mendoza, has joined the Advisory Council of the Atlas Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to the worldwide freedom movement. The Atlas Network Advisory Council is comprised of individuals who share a commitment to liberty and enthusiasm for Atlas Network’s mission, and

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Noticerio Digital (2015) | We’ve arrived / 5. Restitution

During these last fifteen years, Venezuela has received vast amounts of money from oil. There is no doubt that the staying power of this regime is due to the oil income and the way it was squandered. Corruption is overwhelming. The nation has been looted. Much of the income has

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La Patilla (2015) | We’ve arrived / 4. Dolarization

Inflation is the most unfair of all taxes. It causes terrible damage to the economy and is particularly harmful to the less privileged citizens. It limits growth and the creation of wealth and is essentially preventable. The main cause of inflation is excessive money supply, and has always been. The

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La Patilla (2015) | We’ve arrived / 3. Privatization of all state enterprises

One of the many peculiar characteristics of Venezuela is that it is a nation in which the government does not depend on its citizens but rather the citizens depend on the government. Normally, governments must tax citizens in order to function because they are service institutions whose activities do not

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La Patilla (2015) | We’ve arrived / 2. Return to the Rule of Law

I graduated from the Andrés Bello Catholic University Law School in 1967. Although banking has been my vocation and profession, law is the foundation of my training. Every society is based on rules that enable citizens to live in peace, harmony and prosperity. The more developed and prosperous nations are

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La Patilla (2015) | We’ve arrived / 1. Restitution of Private Property

Private ownership is an essential factor in the proper development of societies. There’s a direct connection between the prosperity and welfare of nations and the protection of private property. Private property rights are essential for freedom to exist. Steps 1.1 A nation-wide campaign followed by actions to secure ownership of

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La Patilla (2015) | We’ve arrived

All the disasters that were announced long ago have converged, and then some.  In late December, the Venezuelan government staged a coup d’etat against the Constitution by “appointing” officials and magistrates. The drop in oil prices has magnified the situation. The time has come to think forward. The tragedy is

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La Patilla (2014) | Don Emilio Botín

El 9 de septiembre falleció en España don Emilio Botín, presidente del Banco Santander durante más de tres décadas. Fue un banquero exitoso, que convirtió el banco regional que habían presidido antes su padre y su abuelo en una potencia mundial. En el obituario que publicó el diario The Times

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